Decent Pie's Thought-Blog

Born too late pre-punk rockers. Trouble with authority, and a yearning for Rigorous Intuition.

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Location: Dudley, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Grumpy old git suffering with an acute case of 'The ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect' Who has no particular wish to sell you his music... no, that's ok, go off and buy another Britney album, and DON'T check out any of the fantastic, ecclectic, cornucopia that is: Decent Pie Just DON'T bother... you wouldn't like it. Too much would never be enough, just LEAVE it and go back to Robbie Williams ffs! Or it'll all end in a crying song. [as me ol' dad used to say]

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Fabulous E Numbers ...and other Stuff

Hey rockers...

Just to let the hardcore know, there is an official 'E Numbers' Gig taking place THIS SUNDAY at The Roadhouse. I'll list and link below.
There is also a 'Boxing Night' gig in, at the same venue... [well it is our local dive]

I have a couple of Facez gigs too, so I'll stick 'em on the list in case you can be arsed.

If Joe [Butchart] gets to read this, drop me an e-mail Joe!! Your old e-addy is dead m8!

dp Albums in the Pipe

We ARE recording;
Most [if not all] of the basic [REAL] drum tracks are down for the first of a Four or Five album suite of stuff that we are finally in a position to record. ['properly'] Thanks to Jimmy 'Danger' Simpson and a small forest of sticks.

Many beautiful soundscapes are finally within our grasp. Aside from the concert Bluthner I'm trying out here below, there are REAL strings, a REAL choir, and some sublime beauty from the archives.

There is a 'Maniac' album to come second, and a 'Pie Band' album thirdly to come thenceforth. And talking of fourth, we think there will be an intermediate 'experimental' type album, [compiled from all the tracks we can't fit anywhere else, and some new stuff] to come in that position. Which would make the fifth album, the Soundtrack to The Stars Dance Bright
For yea and verily the spirits are mighty high, even if the coffers are WAY low.

Go to our MySpace Page for sample demo's on the juke box of 'Stars' and other stuff, plus a new vid posted of Bou playing another of our in-grasp pet sounds... The Bournville Carillon.


The Fabulous E Numbers:
Sunday 2nd November @ The Roadhouse
Friday 26th December "Boxing Night Bash" @ The Roadhouse

The Facez
Thursday 27th November in Bedfordshire somewhere...!!
[I'll update this post when I get details, or contact me on our Homesite if you're desperate]

Friday 12th December @ Nailcote Hall
Book now!


more 2 come on Mike K. and Bou Z. before crimbo

stay frosty

the freak

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you tell me when the next E Numbers gig is please

6:18 pm  

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