Decent Pie's Thought-Blog
Born too late pre-punk rockers. Trouble with authority, and a yearning for Rigorous Intuition.
About Me
- Name: Zappa Freak
- Location: Dudley, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Grumpy old git suffering with an acute case of 'The ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect' Who has no particular wish to sell you his music... no, that's ok, go off and buy another Britney album, and DON'T check out any of the fantastic, ecclectic, cornucopia that is: Decent Pie Just DON'T bother... you wouldn't like it. Too much would never be enough, just LEAVE it and go back to Robbie Williams ffs! Or it'll all end in a crying song. [as me ol' dad used to say]
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Gigs Akimbo
Soapstone's most loyal fan, and an E Number to boot,
Drinks with an old friend 'round the table at the last Maniac gig:

Been busy, but mostly with my students and studio rather than live work at this time of the year. A few gigs to be going on wif tho'
Mainly Facez and Maniac, but look out for the odd E Numbers Re-union,
We've been doing about four gigs a year, the next one is listed below.
Upcoming Gigs:
Fri 30th March: Rock Cafe, Stourbridge.
Fri 13th April: The Diamond, Sutton In Ashfield.
Sun 6th May: The Shepwell, Shepwell Green, West Midlands.
Thurs 10th may: The Sands, Lincolnshire.
Soapstone Maniac
Wed 4th April: The Roadhouse, Birmingham.
Fri 20th April: The Bush Inn, Dudley.
Wed 16th May: The Roadhouse Birmingham.
and on Fri 15th June this year The Fabulous E Numbers
are playing a re-union quarterley at The Roadhouse
Bertie is in Portugal apparently, more news as and when. xx DD
Stay inspired till then.
the freak xx
Drinks with an old friend 'round the table at the last Maniac gig:

Been busy, but mostly with my students and studio rather than live work at this time of the year. A few gigs to be going on wif tho'
Mainly Facez and Maniac, but look out for the odd E Numbers Re-union,
We've been doing about four gigs a year, the next one is listed below.
Upcoming Gigs:
Fri 30th March: Rock Cafe, Stourbridge.
Fri 13th April: The Diamond, Sutton In Ashfield.
Sun 6th May: The Shepwell, Shepwell Green, West Midlands.
Thurs 10th may: The Sands, Lincolnshire.
Soapstone Maniac
Wed 4th April: The Roadhouse, Birmingham.
Fri 20th April: The Bush Inn, Dudley.
Wed 16th May: The Roadhouse Birmingham.
and on Fri 15th June this year The Fabulous E Numbers
are playing a re-union quarterley at The Roadhouse
Bertie is in Portugal apparently, more news as and when. xx DD
Stay inspired till then.
the freak xx
Toldya I'd Be Back Soon!
Hey ho, just to post the promised link for the NEW MANIAC Live stuff mentioned in the previous post.
There's a couple of tracks to get ya goin' and I'll add more or cycle 'em round as and when.
Thanx to Tom and Danny and The Viper xxx
and D and J and Meeee xxx
Link is to DPP/Maniac page, scroll down near bottom [oo-er] and enjoy!!!
Hey ho, just to post the promised link for the NEW MANIAC Live stuff mentioned in the previous post.
There's a couple of tracks to get ya goin' and I'll add more or cycle 'em round as and when.
Thanx to Tom and Danny and The Viper xxx
and D and J and Meeee xxx
Link is to DPP/Maniac page, scroll down near bottom [oo-er] and enjoy!!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sorry, Happy, Thrilled and Pissed.
You see, because I am the single and only bloke providing any 'Web Prescence' ...I'm webmaster for DPP and have provided virtually all the content, and I also run this blog! I just haven't been able to find the time to post.
I know this is ludicrous and negates the [true] idea of the/a blog, but I've been learning how to be a 'proper' bass player. So, I'm gonna ignore all that, and keep the site going as and when I can until...
Obviously so much has happened that it's impossible to remember it all, never mind write it down.
Let's start then, with the best news, and the thrill of real original live music back in my life. The Maniac have gone through some birth pangs, and although I'm still [and always will be] playing 'catchup' to compete with the other two bastards instrumentally, I've started to do 'adequate' pretty well on a bass. As I write this I am listening to a live version of Dave's track 'Fishin' which is part of a new set of tunes we are playing round the town. It's a marvellously raw mixture and has enough quirk to remind me of NCP, enough balls for me to veritably 'hone my hone' and enough passion to overfill any cup of void, even if only for the relevant four minutes and twelve seconds.
The point about the recent [LIVE @ The Roadhouse] recording is that it's really only our third 'proper gig' and the overwhelming thing that's hitting me is the potential. The monstrousness of the tunes recorded without the constraints of a live trio situation, that's what's hitting me. The thing is though that even in these straight-to-mp3 off the desk examples, the true feeling of the band is there... In kernel form the feel flows. The interaction, that crazy drummer... Dave finally sayin' "I AM The Pie" on a stage like only he knows how. The Shadowmen are appearing, the live cut has me improv-ing stuff about the solo Dave's playing as he plays it. At another point in the show Pieboy downed 3/4 of a pint of Newcastle in four [count 'em] FOUR bars of L, F&B, so he could use the bottle, [not the neck of the bottle...] the bottle, to play the solo, which he proceeded to basically nail. The top end of this huge heavy surrogate slide wobbling frantically, he still managed to get the guitar back into midi-mode for the big chord in the middle eight. I can see the future Maniac... very scary!
We also gave a live debut to another tune of D's 'You Made The Sun', that's gonna be a big tune.... You know that tune.... That's gonna be a big one that is.
After failing miserably to persuade Jo the gorgeous to come into The DPP Studios and make an album, she has decided to re-boot, and has gone on the road with a young rhythm section to play the spotlight clubs and blues venues and get back to her guitar. I haven't seen 'em yet but I know with Jo as the solo lead instrument they should sound awesome. Jo's got many things cookin' and regularly writes and performs in the U.S. I know she will be a household name one day, she has such a talent. I wanna wish her all good happiness stuff, some extra luck, and her own little piece of the sky. mmmmmwwwaaaahhh xxx
Saw Kelly Joe Phelps play near my hometown, he was pretty awesome, but the sound was a bit dodgy. He coped very well tho, and played some mean banjo piece in the second half which I'd never heard, talented guy. Robert [Plant] was down there to see him and popped in afterwards, no doubt to congratulate. KJP was a BIG Page/Zepp fan. I was kinda glad he had a friend there, it was a pretty lame audience, although Davey and me had a real laff. He loves it when I take him out... he can have a drink...!
Been seriously getting into my Pro Tools [for the muzo's] Get an iMac... get an MBox [PT software is INCLUDED] and get fookin goo-in' [as they say round here].
Editing up and tweaking the aforementioned Maniac/RHaus gig got me going, and now I can't leave the thing alone, I used to think I had been trapped by my ol' Fostex 16... but everything's so clean and simple in PT, and the obvious advantage? You can take the files to any professional studio and everything is the same format.
So listen Y'all, I've been having a few personals going on... some insurance wrangles, general crap in the sack of woe type deal, which has probably contributed to my singular lack of comms on this blog. If I think of anything I've missed....[like there isn't LOADS then?]
I promise to pop back and scribble it to ya...
Keep the faith, stay healthy, fight evil, and I'll try to post on here AT LEAST once a month from now on.
the freak xx
As soon as I have posted some NEW MANIAC LIVE excitement somewhere, I'll link from here, so check back for a free listen/download, and stay frosty.
I know this is ludicrous and negates the [true] idea of the/a blog, but I've been learning how to be a 'proper' bass player. So, I'm gonna ignore all that, and keep the site going as and when I can until...
Obviously so much has happened that it's impossible to remember it all, never mind write it down.
Let's start then, with the best news, and the thrill of real original live music back in my life. The Maniac have gone through some birth pangs, and although I'm still [and always will be] playing 'catchup' to compete with the other two bastards instrumentally, I've started to do 'adequate' pretty well on a bass. As I write this I am listening to a live version of Dave's track 'Fishin' which is part of a new set of tunes we are playing round the town. It's a marvellously raw mixture and has enough quirk to remind me of NCP, enough balls for me to veritably 'hone my hone' and enough passion to overfill any cup of void, even if only for the relevant four minutes and twelve seconds.
The point about the recent [LIVE @ The Roadhouse] recording is that it's really only our third 'proper gig' and the overwhelming thing that's hitting me is the potential. The monstrousness of the tunes recorded without the constraints of a live trio situation, that's what's hitting me. The thing is though that even in these straight-to-mp3 off the desk examples, the true feeling of the band is there... In kernel form the feel flows. The interaction, that crazy drummer... Dave finally sayin' "I AM The Pie" on a stage like only he knows how. The Shadowmen are appearing, the live cut has me improv-ing stuff about the solo Dave's playing as he plays it. At another point in the show Pieboy downed 3/4 of a pint of Newcastle in four [count 'em] FOUR bars of L, F&B, so he could use the bottle, [not the neck of the bottle...] the bottle, to play the solo, which he proceeded to basically nail. The top end of this huge heavy surrogate slide wobbling frantically, he still managed to get the guitar back into midi-mode for the big chord in the middle eight. I can see the future Maniac... very scary!
We also gave a live debut to another tune of D's 'You Made The Sun', that's gonna be a big tune.... You know that tune.... That's gonna be a big one that is.
After failing miserably to persuade Jo the gorgeous to come into The DPP Studios and make an album, she has decided to re-boot, and has gone on the road with a young rhythm section to play the spotlight clubs and blues venues and get back to her guitar. I haven't seen 'em yet but I know with Jo as the solo lead instrument they should sound awesome. Jo's got many things cookin' and regularly writes and performs in the U.S. I know she will be a household name one day, she has such a talent. I wanna wish her all good happiness stuff, some extra luck, and her own little piece of the sky. mmmmmwwwaaaahhh xxx
Saw Kelly Joe Phelps play near my hometown, he was pretty awesome, but the sound was a bit dodgy. He coped very well tho, and played some mean banjo piece in the second half which I'd never heard, talented guy. Robert [Plant] was down there to see him and popped in afterwards, no doubt to congratulate. KJP was a BIG Page/Zepp fan. I was kinda glad he had a friend there, it was a pretty lame audience, although Davey and me had a real laff. He loves it when I take him out... he can have a drink...!
Been seriously getting into my Pro Tools [for the muzo's] Get an iMac... get an MBox [PT software is INCLUDED] and get fookin goo-in' [as they say round here].
Editing up and tweaking the aforementioned Maniac/RHaus gig got me going, and now I can't leave the thing alone, I used to think I had been trapped by my ol' Fostex 16... but everything's so clean and simple in PT, and the obvious advantage? You can take the files to any professional studio and everything is the same format.
So listen Y'all, I've been having a few personals going on... some insurance wrangles, general crap in the sack of woe type deal, which has probably contributed to my singular lack of comms on this blog. If I think of anything I've missed....[like there isn't LOADS then?]
I promise to pop back and scribble it to ya...
Keep the faith, stay healthy, fight evil, and I'll try to post on here AT LEAST once a month from now on.
the freak xx
As soon as I have posted some NEW MANIAC LIVE excitement somewhere, I'll link from here, so check back for a free listen/download, and stay frosty.