Movement Ahead - And It's All Good!
Okay, okay, I know, the recent posts have been coming at the staggering snail's pace of one a month, but it's all good... [that phrase again] Busy is better than bored!
The Maniac have re-grouped nicely, and the project is beginning to take shape. There is a secret gig [the kind you wish you'd been at after the band gets big] planned for next month at The Roadhouse in Brum, and imminent studio recordings will consolidate our direction and provide some worthwhile product.
We are currently perusing one or two funding ideas, and looking to set up a deal with a young and vital management consortium.
We are also deep in thought with regard to video ideas, "I Hope So" is a probable candidate for the first Maniac tune to get the treatment. Also, I am delighted to say "Shadowmen" is lurking in the wings ready to pounce.
With regard to the previous post, it looks like The Heep will be able to survive without me. Happy to say Phil, their keys player is recovering well.
See the end of this post for my upcoming gigs. [of all flavours]
Meeting up with old friends and colleagues has been a bit of a feature of this month. Those familiar with The Fabulous E Numbers will no doubt have gathered that I am working with Gaz Morris again. This time in a fantastic, fun-filled, semi-serious Faces tribute band. It's not the extra dosh, so much as the laffs we have that is the main point of this fine thrashing combo, and believe me, I hardly stop pissin' meself from the minute I get there to the minute I leave. A welcome contrast to the more serious art, and some good live music to boot!
The best thing about the previous Maniac gig for me was seeing some of the guys from NCP again... It's been too long boys. Jon Hunt and Minal P Minal came right on down to show some support and watch the very first outing of my new baby. Jon is currently doing some very edgy stuff with a writing partner in the UK West Mids, some of which you can listen to here, and Minal [Minal P] has had the fantastic Swivel up and running for a couple of years now. Hi John and Andy!! xx [I can't find their site but] There is a bit of info and an e-mail address on that bunch here.
I heartily recommend you give both projects a good listenin'.
JST is going from strength to strength... [still no sign of the live video on 'Lick Library' mentioned in the last post. You'll get it when it arrives] There's a rumour of a forthcoming album with DPP producing, which I happen to know for a fact would be superb. There are also plans to extend the gigging schedule, and some Festival work in the spring and summer of '07. If you miss the ad's don't worry, I'll be posting the dates when the time is upon us.
Don't forget you can post a comment on here, or mail me direct from the Decent Pie site, where there will also be links to anything on this, or other posts from the Thought-Blog that you can't find directly.
Keep the faith and check back regularly for more info, and keep yer powder dry 'till then.
Love and Good Happiness Stuff
Dick (the freak) Decent xx
Sophie B and Harry Decent Jnr.

Upcoming Gigs:
Sun 17th Sept The Facez @ The Robin Bilston West Mids UK
Sat 7th Oct JST @ The Runner Nottingham UK
Fri 13th [!]Oct The Facez @ The Rock Cafe Stourbridge West Mids UK
Wed Oct 18th Soapstone Maniac @ The Roadhouse Cotteridge West Mids [Shhh, that's the secret gig!]
And finally for this lump;
Wed Oct 25th JST @ The Spam-Mouse sheisser-house [boooo!!!]
and that particular venue is in Birmingham Town Centre West Mids UK
ATTENTION! The above Facez gig @ The Stourbridge Rock Cafe scheduled for the 13th of October 2006 is... CANCELLED
This was down to the venue and any ticket sales are refundable. The gig is re-scheduled for next year, exact date TBC.
The Maniac have re-grouped nicely, and the project is beginning to take shape. There is a secret gig [the kind you wish you'd been at after the band gets big] planned for next month at The Roadhouse in Brum, and imminent studio recordings will consolidate our direction and provide some worthwhile product.
We are currently perusing one or two funding ideas, and looking to set up a deal with a young and vital management consortium.
We are also deep in thought with regard to video ideas, "I Hope So" is a probable candidate for the first Maniac tune to get the treatment. Also, I am delighted to say "Shadowmen" is lurking in the wings ready to pounce.
With regard to the previous post, it looks like The Heep will be able to survive without me. Happy to say Phil, their keys player is recovering well.
See the end of this post for my upcoming gigs. [of all flavours]
Meeting up with old friends and colleagues has been a bit of a feature of this month. Those familiar with The Fabulous E Numbers will no doubt have gathered that I am working with Gaz Morris again. This time in a fantastic, fun-filled, semi-serious Faces tribute band. It's not the extra dosh, so much as the laffs we have that is the main point of this fine thrashing combo, and believe me, I hardly stop pissin' meself from the minute I get there to the minute I leave. A welcome contrast to the more serious art, and some good live music to boot!
The best thing about the previous Maniac gig for me was seeing some of the guys from NCP again... It's been too long boys. Jon Hunt and Minal P Minal came right on down to show some support and watch the very first outing of my new baby. Jon is currently doing some very edgy stuff with a writing partner in the UK West Mids, some of which you can listen to here, and Minal [Minal P] has had the fantastic Swivel up and running for a couple of years now. Hi John and Andy!! xx [I can't find their site but] There is a bit of info and an e-mail address on that bunch here.
I heartily recommend you give both projects a good listenin'.
JST is going from strength to strength... [still no sign of the live video on 'Lick Library' mentioned in the last post. You'll get it when it arrives] There's a rumour of a forthcoming album with DPP producing, which I happen to know for a fact would be superb. There are also plans to extend the gigging schedule, and some Festival work in the spring and summer of '07. If you miss the ad's don't worry, I'll be posting the dates when the time is upon us.
Don't forget you can post a comment on here, or mail me direct from the Decent Pie site, where there will also be links to anything on this, or other posts from the Thought-Blog that you can't find directly.
Keep the faith and check back regularly for more info, and keep yer powder dry 'till then.
Love and Good Happiness Stuff
Dick (the freak) Decent xx
Sophie B and Harry Decent Jnr.

Upcoming Gigs:
Sun 17th Sept The Facez @ The Robin Bilston West Mids UK
Sat 7th Oct JST @ The Runner Nottingham UK
Fri 13th [!]Oct The Facez @ The Rock Cafe Stourbridge West Mids UK
Wed Oct 18th Soapstone Maniac @ The Roadhouse Cotteridge West Mids [Shhh, that's the secret gig!]
And finally for this lump;
Wed Oct 25th JST @ The Spam-Mouse sheisser-house [boooo!!!]
and that particular venue is in Birmingham Town Centre West Mids UK
ATTENTION! The above Facez gig @ The Stourbridge Rock Cafe scheduled for the 13th of October 2006 is... CANCELLED
This was down to the venue and any ticket sales are refundable. The gig is re-scheduled for next year, exact date TBC.